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calculator man and hangar vs. limp buzcuit and the la riots

join them in a slideshow of their adventures through the the la riots..

calculator man and hangar commentary:

"welcome to the documentary of our experiences in the la riots. actually, they weren't very riotous. see, we were staying at this fufu hotel on sunset called the standard. that night we went to go see mike patton's skitzophrenic hardcore band fantomas at the troubador. we took a cab home, and the guy was going the long way, so we were all, "what the hell dude? are you trying to rip us off?" "no," he replied, "there's a 3 hour traffic jam on sunset." but it was like midnight, so we didn't know what the hell was going on. so he drops us off a block from sunset, and we walk up there to find the streets blocked with cars honking their horns and people running around screaming and being wierd. the cause of all this? the lakers won the championship. we didn't care about that, but there were riots outside our window. so we went to document the experience...."

warning: there are some nekkid chicks in these pictures. since we warned you, you can not sue us now if your stupid hacker kid sees them.

just click on the picture to see the next slide, foo.

la_riots4.jpg previous :: next

calculator man and hangar commentary:

"people hanging out of their cars. traffic was going probably about 3 miles an hour, so we saw no deaths. this also allowed us to interview the passers by. so we busted out the DAT and pretended that we liked the lakers and asked people "how do you feel about the lakers winning?!" and moslty all we got was screams and vulgar replies towards the other team. this one chick who hangar fell in love with actually asked, "what is this for?" and they lied and said, "a college radio station." she believed him and tried to jump his bones. she was drunk. this one dude even gave us a commercial for his new underground hip-hop cd repratentin da 818 and hollywood hills, yo."

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made on a linux macOS running win3.11 with php v5.10.3
modified :: oct 07 2010
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