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thank you all for my quest to getting my name right. - paul r andersen

stalker list

here are some official stalker emails calculator man & hangar have received... these people are on their official stalker list. it's like a fan club. if you'd like to be on their official stalker list, send them some stalker mail........ you might get free prizes or something.

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 10:58:38 -0700
From: Hoxxxx Newxxxxx <>
To: calculator_man@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: sexualy explicit email

i just walked outta the shower and typed in the yahoo search for disneyland
mp3s and stumbled onto your site and shitdog that superflyfucking
midgetsound is sweet--if this shit is what youre slammin on your second
album i'll gladly ship a polaroid of me sitting on a pyramid of campbells
soup wearing nothing but fuckin drippy tomato soup! fuck that bullshit bout
hanger getting all the chicks--i'll ship that badmother polaroid DI-rectly
to *you* so yous can stash it under your pillow at nite and have salty
tomato dreams like you were fucking andy warhol or some shit!        -wendy

Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 03:30:24 -0700
From: Jaydread <>
To: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: keywords: aphex, vibert, wagon christ

Your song has been put on hold due to the use of famous third parties.

Thank You,

Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 05:41:26 EDT
From: DuggyDug@<>
To: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: hangar rules

music / noise - whats the dif?  what ever you guys do - it's cool - it's on
the edge - it sucks.  it's much better than Pin Back though.  I live in the
mountains.  can you guys play mountain music?  I play harp & i'm learning
washboard.  I haven't washed my hair for 3 years.  can I be in your band if I
move to the big city?  Do I need a gun if I move there?  Are there lots of
chicks? I heard there are lots of chicks.  I trap beaver & squirl - do you
like squirl? do you like beaver?  I like beaver - and music too. Do you like
music?  I like music.  I play harp.  My names gimble - do you like Gimble? I
play harp.

Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 13:40:22 -0600
From: Josh Mintz <>
To: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: you wish

right on. spreading the counter cultural message to all those
lumps in san diego... i pity the poor people who are trapped
in the mindset of thinking that san diego is a cool
place! hahaha,

see ya,


Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:21:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ned Raggett <>
To: calculator_man@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Cc: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: Re:

Goddamn punk rockers.  First thing you need
to do in a riot is, of course, GROW SOME HAIR.  I realize this
will make you easier to catch as the billy clubs come down and
the guys with helmets and gloves make grabs for you, but what
you do is cover your body with your hair like a shroud.
Viva!  Instant camoflauge.

Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 00:37:37 -0700
From: John Goff <>
To: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: My fuckin' soundcard

You better not fuckin' hurt that thing before I get it or I'll fuckin go
over to your house and live in your kitchen. Cool and outy, The Johnster.

Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 11:47:57 -0700
To: calculator_man@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Cc: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: sex with a monkey

Very nice -- robots having furious anal sex with teenage polar bears, perhaps.


Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 10:30:17 -0700
To: calculator_man@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Cc: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: viewer email

its good to hear that someone who claims to sound like aphex
twin...actually SOUDS like aphex twin.
good work on the track, i think that you spent more time on
it than your willing to admit.
one question...what do you use for equipment? all those bleeps
and squeeks...

Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 06:49:14 -0800
To: calculator_man@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Cc: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: viewer email

i like your song. but not enough to pay for it.
thanks for your time
man, that is one slamming midget.
i think it's appropriate for the children's catagory..
i mean, who is to decide what's appropriate and what's not?
i wish my music sounded more like yours.

Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 11:46:54 -0500 (EST)
From: Baris BILTEKIN <>
To: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Cc: calculator_man@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: what a perfect guys :))

what did you make??? maaann?? i like it so much... you must be possible got
music sprit :))
and i'm in TURKEY now but there is no one who can understand music here...
you are extremely perfect music maker

Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 23:50:18 EST
From: <>
To: calculator_man@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
CC: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject:  thanks

thank you for doing something interesting.  that midget track was (honestly)
the only song i liked after checking out about three thousand bands under
electronic on  if that shit about internet music encoding stuff is real,
tell me more about it.  i want in.  keep up the nonsense, thanks for not being

Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 09:53:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Your Personal Stalker <>
To: hangar@[DON'T SPAM US BYTCH!].com
Subject: Believe it homeboy

Hangar:  I am a stalker.  I have a big gun.
Please don't try to identify me to the police, I
will deny my contact with you.
P.S.-- I carry your child.

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